Pictura Binnen/Buiten salon 2024
The Pictura Salon 2024 can be viewed both inside and outside the building of Teekengenootschap Pictura on Voorstraat this anniversary year. In addition to the traditional members’ exhibition The Salon inside Pictura there are presentations by the participating artists at various locations in the city, from normally publicly accessible to many private locations.
The Salon Binnen can be seen from September 29 to November 3 at Voorstraat 190.
During the Salon Buiten, there will be two different walking routes along the locations on the weekends of October 12/13 and 26/27, where the artist will often be present. The map of the routes can be obtained from Pictura and the various locations.
More information at
During the Binnen Salon I show the work “In every ending, there is a new beginning“.
During the weekends of the Buiten Salon I will be present on Saturday October 12 and Sunday October 13 in the Kunstkerk, Museumstraat 65 in Dordrecht, where my exhibition WATER REPORTS can be seen.
On October 13 at 5:00 PM, my City Artistship of Dordrecht will also end by handover the work from WATER REPORTS to the Regional Archives Dordrecht and the subsequent finissage of the exhibition.
Guided Tours through Water Reports
After a well-attended opening on August 31, with a speech by Merel Bem and a performance by Nico Parlevliet, the exhibition WATER REPORTS can be visited during the regular opening hours of the Kunstkerk. At a number of times there is an opportunity to join a guided tour of WATER REPORTS given by the artist herself. There are only a number of places available, so reserve a spot via the link below.
The guided tours will take place on:
Saturday September 14 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Thursday September 19 from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Sunday September 29 from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Reservations via this link of the Kunstkerk
Water Reports in progress
Program opening Water Reports August 31
The program for the opening of the WATER REPORTS exhibition
on August 31 in the Kunstkerk, Museumstraat 65 in Dordrecht has been announced.
Starts at 4:00 PM (entry from 3:45 PM).
André Besseling | Managing director Dordrechts Museum
Rik van der Linden | Councillor for culture of the Municipality of Dordrecht
Merel Bem | Writer and publicist, e.g. De Volkskrant
Nico Parlevliet | Visual artist
After the opening program there is the opportunity to visit the exhibition, followed by the opportunity to have a drink in the Kunstkerk and meet each other and the artist.
Water Reports – the poster
Pictura 250 year – waving flags in the street
On August 3, in the surroundings of the building of Teekengenootschap Pictura in the Voorstraat, the opening took place on a parade of flags on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the existence of this Dordrecht artist association. To celebrate this jubilee 25 artists create a design for a waving flag. These flags hang in the Voorstraat between Scheffersplein and Boomstraat in Dordrecht and wave until October 31.
About my design:
Artists often base their work on a problem or question, in which the AHA-experience plays a crucial role. The AHA-erlebnis or AHA-experience is a sudden insight into a problem at some point, when all of the various individual aspects of the problem come together and seem to fit, and a solution is offered.
The expression was introduced by the German psychologist, Karl Bühler, and is related to the Eureka moment of Archimedes.
Look here for all other flags and backgrounds: Pictura Flag Parade
Flag Parade Pictura 250 year
On Saturday, August 3, 2024, the Flag Parade in honor of the 250th anniversary of Teekengenootschap Pictura will be opened on Voorstraat near Pictura at 4 p.m. Together with about 25 other artists, I created my design for the flag in this parade. All this in the context of the anniversary that Pictura is celebrating in 2024 as a prelude to the date of October 1, the day on which the first activity of this Teekengenootschap took place in 1774.
Until November 1, 2024, the flags will fly above Voorstraat Noord between Scheffersplein and Boomstraat in Dordrecht
Water Reports on the internet
The participating institutions refer to the upcoming exhibition WATER REPORTS on their websites.
Look for the Dordrechts Museum on Dordrechts Museum_Waterberichten
Very extensive WATER REPORTS on Archief Dordrecht_Waterberichten
Finally, the Kunstkerk offers this information: Kunstkerk_Waterberichten, also for opening hours and activities.
Pictura 250 year- waving flags in the street
Water reports en route
The period as City Artist of Dordrecht concludes with an exhibition in the Kunstkerk at Museumstraat 25 under the title ANJA DE JONG – WATER REPORTS. A project group, including representatives from the Dordrecht Museum, the Dordrecht Regional Archives and the Kunstkerk, is working hard to prepare and implement all matters regarding location, publicity and other activities surrounding the exhibition. In addition to my participation in the project group, I am busy determining the hanging order of the works, providing titles and preparing the final prints for hanging. At the end of the exhibition the footage will be transferred to the Dordrecht Regional Archives.
The north – the exhibition
Monuments of Climate Change (The North) bij Het Lage Noorden in Marrum
From 4 June to 1 October 2023, a selection of Monuments of Climate Change will be on display at Het Lage Noorden. In this project I show those landscapes and locations in The Netherlands where people have embraced water as a friend or fought it as an enemy for centuries. Landscapes, from the former island of Schokland (now part of the Noordoostpolder) to the Zandmotor (a pilot project in the form of an artificial sandbank off the coast of South Holland) and locations with water-regulating means, from revised use of old ‘rijsdammen’ and mounds to a fresh-salt transition with fish passage (Friesland) and the Double Dike (Groningen). Without these interventions, living with water – the Dutch (cultural) past and its future – would be built on marshy ground,
At the time of my AiR in 2021 at this Mondriaan residency, I photographed the latest innovations on the Frisian and Groningen coast. These photos can now be seen at Het Lage Noorden in Marrum. Het Lage Noorden, on the Frisian Waddenzeedijk, is, also because of its role (including a Summer School) during the Landscape Triennial 2023 – theme ‘Dynamic Wadden Delta’), the perfect location for showing Monuments of Climate Change (The North).
Info and opening hours: Het Lage Noorden
Am Flutgraben
On Saturday, January 7, 2023, the exhibition AM FLUTGRABEN will open in Teekengenootchap Pictura Dordrecht at 5 p.m. Between 2003 and 2011, the former CBK Dordrecht facilitated an artist-in-residence for Dordrecht artists in Berlin by providing living space and a studio in the Kunstfabrik am Flutgraben. This way they could live and work there for 3 to 6 months. In ‘am Flutgraben’, a number of the artists selected at the time show work from their Berlin time or recent work that has a connection with that working period. The duo exhibition BERLIN, A 10-YEAR Itch, which is taking place simultaneously, features work by 11 artists who once went to Berlin, because it ‘happened’ there and you had to be there. Both exhibitions are on view until February 12.
From the series ‘Berlin’s Covered History’ I show the work ‘Don’t look at the West’, my studio in the Kunstfabrik, which at the time, in the GDR era, was a so-called blind building. For information and images from this project: click here for project BCH
If you are interested in the book Berlin’s Covered History with text by Jan Brokken and image by Anja de Jong, click here for the book BCH
City Artist (Stadskunstenaar) … still 1 year to go.
In the last months I photographed as city artist in a number of places in and around Dordrecht. Interim presentations during the Dag van de Geschiedenis in the City Archive, during the talkshow about the project ‘SpotLights On – Bruggen in het licht’ in the Energiehuis and, of course, for the client in the museum gave a preliminary insight into my assignment. My theme is and remains “water” in all its/my meanings for the city of Dordrecht. In the coming year I will work towards the final presentation of the project in the museum and the transfer of the photos to the Dordrecht Regionaal Archief.
Salon 2022 in Pictura Dordrecht ‘De Leegte’
From Saturday 5 November to Sunday 18 December, 61 working members will all show one work in the annual Salon of Teekengenootschap Pictura in Dordrecht. Within the theme DE LEEGTE, in stark contrast to what is traditionally the fullest exhibition of the year (but also a beautiful theme in hectic times), they are showing work as a group in this exhibition for the first time since the last Salon of 2019. I am showing the work 59ᵒ15′ N 22ᵒ 50′ E from the ICE EDGE series.
FIEBRE Photobook Fest 2022
From 23 to 25 September 2022, the 10th edition of the FIEBRE Photobook Fest, the only festival in Spain specializing in photo books, will take place in Madrid, in the Glass Gallery of the Palacio de Cibeles. My book “The Borderland Project” and the multiple/collector’s item “Ice Edge-IJsgrens” have been selected for the presentation at FIEBRE by the European Cultural Center from Venice, which previously showed my photography in Palazzo Mora during the Biennale in 2017. Place your order via:
The Magic of Polaroid
Today the exhibition ‘The magic of Polaroid’ (an exhibition about ready-to-use photography in the Netherlands) starts, in which very early (Polaroid) work by me is included. More than 40 Dutch photographers show what was and what is possible with the many different film types that Polaroid has brought onto the market. The book ‘Polaroid in the Netherlands. The magic of instant photography’ by Arno Bauman and Sjef van Duin will be presented on 12 June. The exhibition will run from June 10 to July 10, 2022 in Art Center Schiedam, Lange Nieuwstraat 191, 3311 AJ Schiedam, and during this period various activities around the Polaroid theme will be organized (see De magie van Polaroid)
Symposium ”Troubled Waters”
The symposium was held in the Dordrechts Museum on 24 April, organized by the 3 exhibitors of the exhibition in Pictura, with speakers Lotte Jensen, Alice Smits, a panel/public discussion led by Katrien Ligt with the central question: ‘What can the role of the art and what options are available to the artist in times of global ecological and climatic crises?’
Launch of essay Troubled Waters
Waiting for the opening of the exhibition
Saturday 2 April Troubled Waters in Teekengenootschap Pictura, Dordrecht
Expected in Teekengenootschap Pictura
Coming soon: -TROUBLED WATERS – in Pictura Dordrecht with
Still one month to go…..
The exhibition Troubled Waters – a confused or chaotic state of affairs opens on April 2 at Teekengenootschap Pictura in Dordrecht. The preparations of the exhibitors Rachel Bacon, Suzette Bousema and Anja de Jong are in full swing. There is plenty of thinking, drawing, printing, writing, design and consultation to get everything ready on time ………..
First issue ANTARKTIKOS magazine available
Despite the fact that the presentation during the (postponed to (possibly) March 17, 2022) Dutch Polar Symposium was canceled due to COVID-19, the first issue of the annual ANTARKTIKOS magazine is now available. Antarktikos is a print magazine entirely devoted to Antarctica, bringing together artistic and scientific exploration. This issue contains photos and an article by me.
ANTARKTIKOS – Issue #1 Mapping Nature
Price: 15 euros
52 contributions,160 pages, 24 x 20 x 1,3 cm, paperback, English, 2021, ISBN 9789079344024
Lecture Vereniging Oud-Dordrecht
Symposium ‘The great and terrible flood. The Saint-Elizabeth’s Flood’.
This afternoon I followed ‘The great and terrible flood.The Saint-Elizabeths Flood’, a symposium organized by Dordrechts Museum in collaboration with Radboud University Nijmegen. There were lectures on the visual representation of the flood and on the myth-making of it by resp. Hanneke van Asperen and Lotte Jensen, and a panel discussion about the impact of the St. Elizabeth flood and what we can learn from it for the future. All this illustrated by music and ‘disaster’songs by Camerata Trajectina. After an introduction to the exhibition Elizabeth and the Flood (until 6 March 2022 in Dordrechts Museum), there was an opportunity to visit it.
Launch of ‘ANTARKTIKOS mapping nature’
Due to the COVID-19 measures in force, the planned presentation of WATERPROOF in ‘The Night of Elisabeth’ could not take place, but the book was launched (albeit in a smaller company) on November 18 in Van der Valk, Ridderkerk. Four photos from my ‘Monuments of Climate Change’ are included in ‘Safety in the future’, a section of WATERPROOF, which has been given the subtitle ‘From battle to victory, the unique strength of the Drecht Cities’. The book has been published in a Dutch and English version.
WATERPROOF in De Nacht Van Elisabeth
Launch of ‘ANTARKTIKOS mapping nature’
The launch of ‘ANTARKTIKOS mapping nature’ will take place on December 2nd at the Omniversum in The Hague, The Netherlands. ANTARKTIKOS includes some photos and an article of mine related to my working visit to this continent in the Antarctic summer of 1998-1999. The presentation will take place as the closing act of the Dutch Polar Symposium that will take place on that day in the Museon. Short films by ANTARKTIKOS publicists are also shown in the gigantic dome of this large-screen movie theater with a screen of 840 m2, followed by the BBC documentary ‘Antarctica’.
WATERPROOF in De Nacht Van Elisabeth
Symposium: ‘The great and terrible flood. The Saint Elizabeth’s Flood’.
On Friday 19 November, the Dordrechts Museum, in collaboration with Radboud University Nijmegen, is organizing the symposium: ‘The great and terrible flood. The Saint Elizabeth’s Flood’.
The Saint Elizabeth’s Flood took place six hundred years ago. In the night of 18 to 19 November 1421 a dike broke in the vicinity of Dordrecht. The stories of a flood of Biblical proportions formed the basis for a rich culture of remembrance. From the fifteenth century onwards, countless painters, writers, printmakers and mapmakers have immortalized stories about the disaster. The myth-making and cultural imagination have ensured that the St Elizabeth’s Flood lives on in the collective memory to this day as one of the greatest disasters in Dutch history. What lessons can future generations draw from the ‘great and terrible flood’?
This afternoon offers a varied program with music by Camerata Trajectina and lectures by experts in the field of the St. Elizabeth’s Flood, such as Lotte Jensen, Maarten Kleinhans, Hanneke van Asperen, Marianne Eekhout and others.
12th National Delta Congress
Today I digitally followed the twelfth National Delta Congress, which took place in the MECC, Maastricht. The conference is organized in a hybrid form, so partly online and partly on location in Maastricht. In addition to the plenary programme, I attended these parallel sessions: ‘Integration: linking climate adaptation and other challenges, how?’ and ‘PAGW Rivers – working on a living delta’. PAGW stands for Programmatic Approach Large Waters.
Lecture Vereniging Oud-Dordrecht
On Tuesday evening, November 30, at the invitation of the Oud-Dordrecht Association, I will give a lecture about my work and working method in the Trinitatis Chapel in the Vriesestraat in Dordrecht. In the newsletter the lecture is announced as follows:
Lecture by Anja de Jong, autonomous photographer and recently announced as city artist of Dordrecht. For decades, De Jong has been working on water and climate, as previously in global projects such as ‘The Borderland Project’, ‘Chile’s Water’, ‘Moldova’s Water’, ‘Ice Edge – IJsgrens’ and within the Netherlands the project ‘Submersa’ on the St. Elizabeth floods from 600 years ago. In her current project ‘Monuments of Climate Change’ she shows the effort the Netherlands makes to keep the water out. This is not just a current story. De Jong explains in pictures and in lecture how water constantly shapes the Dutch landscape – and its mentality. It is certainly not only the past that is discussed, but a look is definitely cast on the future.
Lecture at the South Holland Heritage Day conference
Today I gave the lecture ‘Create or delete: Doomed to eternal key to the landscape’ during the Heritage Day South Holland, the annual congress of Erfgoedhuis Zuid-Holland and the Province of South Holland, held in the Schouwburg Kunstmin in Dordrecht in the context of of the celebration of ‘600 years Elisabeth Flood’.
The day is dominated by water and flooding and has been given the title ‘The power of water’. The program wants to devote extensive and explicit attention to the tasks we face in the Dutch delta.
How do we preserve our heritage with a rising sea level? How do we deal with our maritime landscape? How long can you keep raising the levees? What past examples do we know? And are there also foreign examples from which we can learn something? A number of expert speakers will talk about water management in the past and present and provide an analysis of the Dutch maritime landscape. In addition to these somewhat ‘heavy’ subjects, attention is also paid to contemporary initiatives and projects.
In the program of the day, my presentation was announced as follows: Anja de Jong once photographed the Delta Works as part of the Dutch entry at the Triennial in Milan, but while working on her long-running ‘The Borderland Project’ about the global no man’s land, her interest in climate and water issues, which has been her main theme ever since. In her ‘ongoing’ project ‘Monuments of Climate Change’, the interventions in the Dutch landscape, ultimate attempts to keep our feet dry in the future, are portrayed. This work revolves around the question of how long and in what way we can, should or even be allowed to keep the land in the Delta dry and habitable?
I followed NEXTLEVEL2021 on 20 October 2021 when Dordrecht hosted about 150 European professionals in the field of climate-resilient cities. As main partner of the European project BEGIN (Blue Green Infrastructures through Social Innovation), it is organizing this NEXT LEVEL 2021: a one-day hybrid (both physically in the Energy House and digitally online) conference on nature-based solutions for liveable and climate-resilient cities. NEXT LEVEL 2021 is the final conference of BEGIN, a collaboration since 2016 between 10 European cities and 6 knowledge institutions. In recent years, they have worked together on solutions to better deal with extreme weather conditions in their urban areas. The starting point for the solutions is always that relevant local parties in a city or district, including the inhabitants, be involved. Central to this is how this is achieved with an eye for residents, biodiversity, health and the living environment.
Lecture at Photo Club Perspekief Houten
Appointed as City Artist (Stadskunstenaar) of Dordrecht
Today it has been announced that I can call myself ‘Stadskunstenaar van Dordrecht’ for the next year and a half. During this period I will photograph subjects in and around the Eiland van Dordrecht that are close to my own themes related to history, climate change and water(safety). The results will eventually be included in the image collection of the Regionaal Archief Dordrecht.
Artist-in-Residence at ‘Het Lage Noorden’
The entire month of September I had the opportunity to work on my long-term project ‘Monuments of Climate Change’ during an Artist-in-Residence stay at ‘Het Lage Noorden’ in Marrum on the Frisian Wadden Coast. From here I was able to photograph interventions and innovations for water safety in this part of the Netherlands from the Afsluitdijk deep into the Eems-Dollard area.
My stay in Artist-in-Residence ‘Het Lage Noorden’ was made possible by
‘Op Terp Hoogte’ – 26th Wadden Academy symposium
September 10 and 11 I attended the symposium ‘Op Terp Hoogte’, organized by the Wadden Academy, about the quality of the Wadden landscape in Museum Wierdenland in Ezinge. During the first day, the question will be discussed from three angles of how we can bring the dynamics between water management and agriculture to a new balance for the benefit of a high-quality, safe, attractive and economically interesting landscape on the Wadden Coast: September 11 the landscape on the Wadden Coast will be explored by bicycle under the guidance of experts who know the landscape well.
Soundhouse with Nico Parlevliet
Interview about my water involvement in the context of a ‘Soundhouse’ (a platform for sound art) project by Nico Parlevliet, visual sound artist. In his boat ‘De Flaneur’, for this occasion his sailing studio, we had a conversation about the relationship between time-water-sound, with the tide as the common thread. All this should lead to a website in which all conversations and recorded sounds are given a place and shape.
Image selection for WATERPROOF. This hefty book tells the extraordinary story of the creation of the landscape, the eternal battle against the water and the companies that settled in the region and caused international furore with their innovative ideas. The story of the creation of the Drechtsteden reads like a wildly exciting novel. In 1421, the St. Elisabethflood wipes a piece of the Netherlands off the map. But the area bounces back, reinvents itself and proves to be the breeding ground for the best dike builders, dredgers, hydraulic engineers, bridge builders and ship builders. 600 years after this flood, this book shows the icons of the area: Kinderdijk with its windmills, the Biesbosch, the inner city of Dordrecht, the historic clapboard lock at Alblasserdam, at least 80% consists of landscape photography, portraits of people in function, company photography, historical prints, maps and photography of projects at home and abroad. In a limited edition, WATERPROOF is launched on the night of the Elisabeth flood of 18 to 19 November 1421/2021.
Presentation IPCC-report
Today I listened to the presentation of the IPCC report via the internet. This report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the sixth in a series of reports assessing scientific, technical and socio-economic information on climate change. Three Working Groups (WG) assess (1) The Physical Science Basis, (2) Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability and (3) Mitigation of Climate Change. The first working group published Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis today on August 9, 2021, the other two are planned for 2022. The final report should be ready by the end of 2022. This first report is expected to influence the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) to be held in Glasgow, Scotland, from October 31 to November 12, 2021, under the chairmanship of the United Kingdom.
My submission to ANTARKTIKOS magazine, a publication that combines artistic and scientific exploration within the awe-inspiring and thought-provoking context of Antarctica, has been accepted for the first issue due in December 2021. It is an (annual) international magazine produced in collaboration with many scientists and artists.
Metronome – tidal facility
For the second time to Utrecht to photograph the simulation installation of Utrecht University. I was there for the first time in January 2019, but in the meantime The Metronome has been given a different location. Maarten Kleinhans, professor of biogeomorphology of rivers and estuaries at this university, constructed a twenty by three meter long flume that moves up and down every half minute to simulate the action of the tidal current and sediment transport on a scale. With this immense research instrument, Kleinhans and his team simulate the formation of Wadden Sea-like basins and estuaries in a test set-up with sand by this tilting. Shallow coastal waters and estuaries are formed by the supply of river water, sediment and tidal currents and are breeding grounds for shellfish and fish, and therefore of great ecological value. All major ports in the world are also located in estuaries, so it is crucial that they remain navigable and not flooded.
Visit to the sub-exhibition ‘The High Ground’ of the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam, which was set up as an IABR-Atelier in the Biesboschhal in Dordrecht, where 5 architectural firms present their plans for the De Staart district (as a possible escape ‘mound’). Each by means of video animation and a (series) model(s), in which the relationship between desired daily use and necessary use in times of flooding is made clear: what must and what can be done. All this under the title ‘water safety as a lever for sustainable urban development’. The Atelier is investigating how De Staart can be set up as a safe, self-sufficient shelter in the event of imminent flooding, in such a way that this approach can serve to initiate a truly sustainable area development that also offers a solution to the city’s construction task. which makes room for the next economy after the energy transition, which ensures good accessibility, and which reconnects Dordrecht with water and nature
‘Troubled Waters’ in 2022
Collecting analog footage from 1999 made during my stay in Antarctica, scanning and digitizing the photos. Also research for writing an article, which may, along with these photos, be published in a ‘special’ magazine about Antarctica, to be released at the end of 2021.
Finissage Science and Industry Museum Manchester
Last day of the online (due to COVID-19) exhibition at the Science and Industry Museum in Manchester, England, showing the winning and nominated photos from the competition organized by The Royal Photographic Society England.
A photo from my series ‘Monuments of Climate Change’ was short-listed in the ‘Climate Change – Causes and effects’ category.
‘Troubled Waters’
Wadden Coast
Science Photographer of the Year 2020 exhibition
All nominated and winning works from the competition of The Royal Photographic Society in the ‘Climate Change’ category would be exhibited at the Science and Industry Museum in Manchester from 12 February to 2 May. COVID-19 ensures that the physical exhibition of about 75 photos is now a digital exhibition. The kick-off will take place during the Manchester Science Festival (now also digital) from 12 – 21 February.
My entry ‘De-poldered Noordwaard’ was nominated and can be seen online with all others: Science and Industry Museum Manchester
The 3rd weekend exhibition ‘EN NU’ in PICTURA Dordrecht will be open from 1 p.m. on Saturday 15 August, with work by about 45 artists that fits within themes that play NOW. This time I’m showing the work Víti (meaning ‘hell’) from the ‘ongoing’ Iceland series 2019.
For address, opening hours and the artists of the last weekend EN NU, click here
EN NU – weekend 2 in Teekengenootschap PICTURA Dordrecht
3 consecutive weekends in August, the exhibition ‘EN NU’ can be seen in Pictura Dordrecht under the motto AND NOW something different.
Work within themes that are happening NOW, are going on NOW. In the weekend of 8 and 9 August I will be showing Geothermal brine as the second work from the ‘ongoing’ Iceland series 2019.
For address, opening hours and all artists from 8 and 9 August 2020 click here
EN NU – (physical) exhibition in Teekengenootschap PICTURA Dordrecht
During 3 weekends, Pictura presents the exhibition ‘EN NU’ with works that fit within themes that play NOW, are going on NOW, in an open, investigative, experimental exhibition that can be different per weekend. This weekend I show the work Breiđamerkurjökull from the ‘ongoing’ Iceland series 2019.
Address, opening hours and the 45 artists in the first weekend (1 & 2 August 2020) click here
WE GOT YOUR BACK – (digital) exhibition Pictura
Pictura in Dordrecht, Dutch Society for Drawing since 1774, presents forty of its working members in a digital (sales) exhibition with works on paper titled We Got Your Back. Each work can be purchased for only one hundred (100) euros. I am offering 3 works from the series IJsgrens – Ice Edge from 2009. Click here for the complete range of We Got Your Back and specific info per artist and how to purchase. For my photos look at number 1 of the list of 40.
Pictura, the oldest artists’ association in the Netherlands, is currently closed due to COVID-19 and many of our artists miss opportunities to exhibit and sell their work. Pictura wants to create new platforms to show and preferably sell the work of its members and therefore this first initiative.
Landscaping Nature?
Now that my ‘Monuments of Climate Change’ (about our attitude (in The Netherlands) towards water that evolved from a survival strategy by protecting against water according to new insights to that of embracing water and what that means for the landscape) is ready to be completed, I want substantively and visually investigate how this functions with another unavoidable force of nature, and the opposite of water: fire, in the form of volcanism and geothermal energy. Therefore, the invitation for an Artist-in-Residence in Iceland in the summer of 2019 was an excellent opportunity to implement this intention. After extensive research in advance, the journey and accommodation, and the work on location there, a series of images has now formed in recent months after extensive selection and editing.
Iceland [re]visited
Summer 2019 I worked in Iceland from my Artist-in-Residence in Hafnarfjörður (in addition to my project on volcanism and geothermal energy, and how the Icelanders deal with it), also on Iceland [re] visited. I visited the same locations, which I also visited for ‘The Borderland Project’ in 1992 and made a new (next to old) image.
Lecture Fotoclub f/8 Uden canceled
Just received notice that my lecture and discussion of work of the members of Fotoclub f/8 in Uden is being canceled due to COVID-19.
High water Dordrecht and Noordwaard
Last days it was high water in Dordrecht and surroundings. The quays behind the house and garden were no longer visible and various buildings had to be protected against flooding with sandbags. In De Noordwaard, part of Ruimte voor de Rivier, the threshold between river and polder was flooded. Due to the high water levels in the rivers and the storm and the spring tide, we had a flooded Noordwaard for the first time. This presented a wonderful spectacle, but it is of course intended to better distribute the large supply of water in order to make (urban) areas downstream safer.
Water safety Dordrecht
On the day of the highest water level in years, I attended (February 10) a meeting related to water safety in the SpuiLAB 210 Dordrecht. The participants’ input is used by the Zuid-Holland-Zuid Safety Region to draw up a long-term evacuation strategy. Furthermore, to make residents of Dordrecht ‘self – and together resilient’, even at high water. Dordrecht is located at a crossroads of rivers, where the influence of the sea at high water / north-westerly storm also has a reinforcing influence.
In Spuilab210, the municipality of Dordrecht, Bureau van Veen and the EcoShape Foundation are working together on natural solutions for climate adaptation.
The last day of the International Film Festival Rotterdam I visit the ‘Volkskrantdag’ of this festival, as usual the conclusion of this 12-day stream of films, documentaries and events.
Farewell to the Royal Academy
As of 1 February I will be saying goodbye as a teacher of (autonomous) photography at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague. In the past 30 years I have guided countless students in this subject at the Photography department and the Visual Arts department. In recent years I was also an IST coach and gave the elective photo / film / video.
Boekpresentatie Jan Brokken
‘Stedevaart’, the latest book by Brokken, was presented on January 31 at the OBA Oosterdok Theater with a rendition of the program ‘Parade, the Paris by Erik Satie’ with which Jan Brokken with Tobias Borsboom (piano) and Peter Vigh (alto saxophone) will cross the country. This is one of the 22 stories from the book about 22 cities by 22 striking personalities – visual artists, writers, composers, architects, politicians, scholars or a bookbinder – who embody the spirit of the city. In ‘Stedevaart’ is the story Honderden, duizenden kilometers geschiedenis which Jan Brokken wrote (and now rewrote) in 2009 for my book ‘Berlin’s Covered History’ under the title A little less history, please?
Lezing Fotogroep X65 Noordwijk
On Tuesday evening, November 19, at the invitation of Fotogroep X65 Noordwijk, I gave a lecture about my work and working method at Het Trefpunt there. The evening was announced in the local newspaper with the following text (in part) and photo: In her projects, in addition to history, climate and water problems, a recurring theme. Photography that shows which traces humans draw on our planet. De Jongs’ work is known for exhibitions in the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, the European Cultural Center, Venice, Kunstlerhaus Metternich, Koblenz, the Noorderlicht Photofestival and (book) publications such as “The Borderland Project” and “Berlin’s Covered History”.
Deltacongres 2019

On November 14, I attended the National Delta Congress in the Zeelandhallen in Goes. An annual gathering of ‘water people’ and all those who are particularly involved in the Delta Program. This is to exchange the many knowledge and initiatives in this field with the motto: “People must have knowledge of the power of water”, as Ria Geluk opened the congress. In addition to the Delta Commissioner Peter Glas, who mentioned water safety is of existential importance to the Netherlands, one of the other speakers was the Belgian architect Joachim Declerck, who addressed the audience in key-note speech “The next big thing will be a lot of small things” called for new practices to be developed.
Last week I worked in Friesland and Groningen for ‘Monuments of Climate Change’ and looked at projects that are interesting or have already been photographed by me in previous phases. Indeed, steps are still being taken, both in existing and new (pilot) projects, from the construction of a double dike to the formation of a (new) salt marsh landscape.
Pictura Salon 2019
On the way back home
Via the north side of Iceland to Seyðisfjörður to board there on the ferry to land, via the Faroe Islands, in Denmark on mainland Europe and drive back to Dordrecht (about 7000 km on the odometer) with a large load of digital image as valuable luggage. On the route to the north to this port city on the east coast of Iceland, I visited a number of places, where I also photographed in 1992, which was my other reason to visit Iceland and to portray it as [re]visiting Iceland.
Travel to and stay in Artist-in-Residence Iceland was made possible by
A-I-R Hafnarborg
Direction Iceland
The past two months flew by with preparations for the Hafnarborg Residency.
Research, make contacts with authorities in Iceland, arrange travel documents (stay en route, ferry tickets Hirsthals- Seyðisfjörður vice versa etc.), check cameras and car.
Via Germany, Denmark, by boat via the Faroe Islands, arrived in Seyðisfjörður on the east coast of Iceland. Visited a number of places via the south coast for my [re] visiting Iceland project; a reunion with locations that I photographed earlier in 1992.
On July 1 I get the key to the apartment and studio on the top floor of the Hafnarfjörður Center of Culture and Fine Art.
Lecture Villa Augustus
From Hawaii to Iceland

My initial registration for an Artist-In-Residence in Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park on The Big Island will be converted into an invitation to stay at the Hafnarfjörður Center of Culture and Fine Art in Iceland.
After the (almost) finalization of my Dutch ‘Monuments of Climate Change’, about our ‘struggle’ against the water, I will investigate in July 2019 from Hafnarfjörður residence how people in Iceland go to war / live with / have adapted to that other natural force: volcanism, and what these adaptations / interventions do to the landscape there, and to examine and investigate the various uses of geothermal energy, what they bring about in the landscape.
Texel – Prins Hendrikzanddijk
The last week of March I worked the Wadden island of Texel in the north of The Netherlands. There I focused on the Slufter, but especially on the advanced construction of the Prins Hendrikdijk. On the Wadden Sea coast of the island they create man-made dunes, which, together with a new beach (the Strandhaak) and a lagune, forms a soft, natural flood defence as well as new nature. Watermanagement by ‘Building with Nature’.
DordtYart2019 ‘Appear/Disappear’
April 21, the last year of DordtYart opens in the monumental machine hall on Maasstraat 11 in Dordrecht. I took part on DordtYart2014 with my exhibitions ‘Five Eras – Five Cultures’ and, after a period of research ‘Submersa (drowned)’.
In 2019 DY closes after eight years of exhibitions and experiments and during this period many artists developed their works in the mighty industrial environment of the Biesboschhal. The ‘grande finale’ has the motto verschijnen/verdwijnen (appear/disappear), where 17 artists are challenged to work with this theme. From Thursday to Sunday the public is welcome to follow and speak the artists during their research on and creating their installations. Look here for DY’s agenda.
De Pont
During this AWPPWeek at the Royal Academy in The Hague themed ‘The other Academy / Act-your-interior / Archive of Exercises’ I coached eight groupes of KABK’s propaedeutic students to the ‘Celestial Vault’ of James Turrell and during a beach walk, both in Kijkduin.
All this, entitled ‘Is the sky the limit? A quest for concentration.’ At the art work of Turrell we had ‘an experience of worthless thoughts’, and during the (silent) walk on the beach we practised on focus à la Richard Long, based on his ‘One Hour – a sixty minute circle walk on Dartmoor’ in 1984.
On January 9th I visited the ‘Metronome’, a tidal facility on the Faculty of GeoScience at Utrecht University, in which the behaviour of rivers and estuaries is simulated in order to investigate long-term effects on this landscapes and in the future perhaps can predict the changing form of our coastline.
Professor Maarten Kleinhans has commissioned the construction of a huge machine measuring 20 metres by 3 metres that slowly tilts to and fro. The tilting mimics the ebb and flow of the tides. In addition, a river flows in the container and storm waves are generated that crash against the coast. In the Metronome, every minute is the equivalent of a day in the real world.
Today I followed the 4th Christiaan Brunings Lecture at UU with lectures given on research about rivers, estuaries and sea-level(rises).
New website online
2018 Monuments of Climate Change

Marker Wadden – ‘self portrait’, Anja de Jong ©
In 2018 Anja de Jong photographed in the context of her long-term project locations like the ‘Marker Wadden’ in different phases of creation, river Waal at Nijmegen and the Delta Flume in Delft.
These images are not shown yet in public, but in the meantime discussed with several experts and institutions.
“NUCLEUS – Science and its representation by artists, Noorderlicht IPF in KINK, Assen (NL)
The Noorderlicht 2017 International Photography Festival in cooperation with the Kunstsalon, Assen is about science and its representation by photographers and artists.
Artists often ask themselves the same questions as scientists and share many of the same principles: originality, creativity and an open mind.
NUCLEUS (‘the core’) is about discovery and progress.
Participating artists:
Annemarie van Buuren, Angeline van Gent, Jeroen Hofman, Jos Jansen, Anja de Jong, Marcus Peters, Henk Wildschut en Xiaoxiao Xu.
Sunday 17 September 16 p.m. by the philosopher Coen Simon
Dates and opening times:
From 19 September to 26 November 2017
Tuesday – Sunday 11 till 17 p.m., closed on Mondayr
KINK (Kunst in De Nieuwe Kolk)
Weiersstraat 1, 9401 HS Assen
The Netherlands
‘Personal Structures’, Venice Art Biennale, European Cultural Centre – Palazzo Mora, Venice
In the context of the Venice Art Biennale Anja de Jong shows on invitation of the Global Art Foundation in their exhibition ‘Personal Structures’ works from her long-term project ‘Monuments of Climate Change’.
11 and 12 May
Dates and opening times:
from 13 May to 26 November 2017
Daily 10 – 18, closed on Tuesday
European Cultural Centre – Palazzo Mora
Strada Nova # 3659
30121 Venice, Italy
‘Photography and the artistic Eye on Nature’, Künstlerhaus Metternich, Koblenz, Germany
In the exhibition “Photography and the artistic Eye on Nature” on invitation of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler Mittelrhein (AKM), an international community of artists is showing a diversity of positions to this theme.
Saturday 6 May at 16 p.m.
Sunday 28 May at 16.30 p.m.
Dates and opening times:
from 6 May to 28 May 2017
Tuesday – Sunday 16 – 19 p.m.
Künstlerhaus Metternich,
Münzplatz 8,
56068 Koblenz,
Exhibition: Anja de Jong – Trudy Kunkeler
The consequences of Climate Change as a source of inspiration at Ateliers 22, Dordrecht from 25 June to 7 August 2016.
This new gallery shows work from De Jong’s project ‘Ice Edge – IJsgrens’ and from her ‘work in progress’ ‘Monuments of Climate Change’.
Dates and opening times:
from 25 June to 7 August 2016
Saturday – Sunday 12 till 17 pm.
Ateliers 22,
Gravenstraat 22,
3311 BC Dordrecht.
Exhibition: ViaVia3, Kutscherhaus, Recklinghausen, Germany
A group exhibition from 9 to 23 April 2016 with Dutch and German colleague artists.
Opening: Saturday 9 April at 18 pm.
Location: Kutscherhaus Recklinghausen,
Willy Brandt Park 5,
D 45657 Recklinghausen,
Film premiere / DVD ‘WATER defines the city’ by Evelyn Jansen
On Wednesday 16 March 2016 Cinema The Movies in Dordrecht shows the premiere of the film ‘WATER defines the city’ by Evelyn Jansen. In a short item of her film and DVD Jansen pays also attention to De Jong’s connection with water and her most recent projects about this subject.
Artist-in-residence 2016, Oostmahorn
In February 2016 Anja de Jong works as an artist-in-residence at Gunnar Daan’s place in Friesland on her work-in-progress about water regulation and climate change in The Netherlands.
Artist-in-residence 2015, Bronkhorst
In Februari 2015 Anja de Jong works as an ‘artist-in-residence’ at ‘Het Kunstgemaal’ along the River IJssel in Bronkhorst on her ‘work-in-progress’ about water regulation and climate change in The Netherlands.
Short film with interview about the realization of ‘Submersa’
Event: ‘24 hours Noordoostpolder’ by Stichting Herbergen, in Kraggenburg
On the invitation of the Stichting Herbergen (Herbergen Foundation), which in its turn is visiting Rianne Makkink and Jurgen Bey with its ’24 hours Noordoostpolder’, Anja de Jong is inaugurating a new building by the Stichting Herbergen with photographic works from her ‘work in progress’ project about the Dutch water history.
Hertenweg 22, Kraggenburg,
Flevoland, The Netherlands.
Dates and Opening times:
13 September 12 am. – 14 september 12 am. 2014
Exhibition: 200 years Kingdom – 200 years Fine Arts
Teekengenootschap Pictura in cooperation with the Dordrechts Museum.
A confrontation between the work of old and new Picturianen, in which Anja de Jong reacts to the painting by J.C. Schotel with her photo of the ‘City of Adelaide, seaworthy for her final voyage’.
Opening: Saturday 13 September at 17 pm.
Teekengenootschap Pictura,
Voorstraat 190-192,
3311 ES Dordrecht,
The Netherlands.
Dates and opening times:
From 13 September to 9 November 2014
Wednesday – Sunday 13 till 17 pm.
Exhibition: DordtYart 2014
During the exhibition DordtYart2014 shows Anja de Jong shows her location related project:
‘Submersa’ (drowned), a photographic search for the locations of the in the 15th century drowned villages of the Grote or Zuid-Hollandse Waard (polder) on and around the isle of Dordrecht.
(Her earlier mentioned work ‘Five Eras – Five Cultures’ (2012), a photography project made by De Jong in Gros Morne National Park on Newfoundland, Canada is also still to be seen in the exhibition.)
Maasstraat 11,
3313 CR Dordrecht.
Opening times: Thursday – Sunday 11 till 17 pm.
Exhibition: ViaVia, Kutscherhaus, Recklinghausen
Exhibition: Light, Gemeentemuseum The Hague
Work from De Jongs’ project ‘Ice Edge – IJsgrens’ is selected for the exhibition ‘Light’.
Wednesday 28 May 2014 at 5.30 pm
Gemeentemuseum Den Haag,
Stadhouderslaan 41,
2517 HV Den Haag.
Dates and opening times:
From 29 May to 31 August 2014
Tuesday – Sunday 11-17 pm
Exhibition: DordtYart 2014
On invitation by DordtYart to participate in the exhibition ‘DordtYart 2014’ Anja de Jong shows her project ‘Five Eras – Five Cultures, Gros Morne, Newfoundland’.
DordtYart, Dordrecht.
Opening of the exhibition:
Saturday 12 April 2014 at 2 pm.
Commission: DordtYart
During the exhibition De Jong works commissioned by DordtYart on a location related project at first to be seen as a work in progress and later on as her brand new project.
Maasstraat 11,
3313 CR Dordrecht.
Opening times: Thursday – Sunday 11 till 17 pm.
Picturaprent 2013/2014
On Saturday 7 September at the opening at 17 pm of the cultural season 2013-2014 Anja de Jong presents a special printed edition of the ‘Picturaprint’, commissioned by Teekengenootschap Pictura.
The print is to be seen in and to be purchased from Pictura during the whole season 2013-2014.
Teekengenootschap Pictura,
Voorstraat 190-192,
Dordrecht 3311 ES
+31 78 6149822
Opening times: Wednesday-Sunday 13 until 17 pm