Exhibition ‘Niemandsland, onbestemd & onbepaald en toch begrensd’

5 november 2006

Moldovan Meteorogical Offices, Chisinau – Moldova,  Anja de Jong©

Het Kruithuis / Huis van de kunst
Opening of the exhibition Sunday 5 November at 2 pm

In the summer of 2005, on the invitation of Galerie AoRTa in Chisinau, Anja de Jong worked for 3 weeks in Moldova, Europe’s forgotten, and poorest, country. After roaming extensively about the capital Chisinau, she decided to take Moldova’s water as the theme for a series of photographs.

Other exhibitors: Jos Smink, Volja, Reny Worb, Karin Buchholtz, Kim Bouvy, Korrie Besems, Hans Eijkelboom & Peter Spaans, Anne-Marie van den Thillart, Jorge Heredia, Annemarie de Haas, Jeroen van de Ven, Harmen de Hoop, Marloes Hoogenstraaten, PJ Roggeband, Rachel de Boer, Anna Goos, Stichting GANG.

Dates and opening times:
From 5-11-2006 to 3-12-2006
Tuesday – Sunday, 12 noon until 5 pm

Het Kruithuis,
Citadellaan 7,
5211 XA ’s-Hertogenbosch


Copyright © Anja de Jong